Handy Crafts of Threads

Hey friends, hope my crafts are helping you in making your own crafts. The things I showed to you in my previous articles were my crafts. I learned those from my own but yesterday I learned something new which is a craft of thread.

In our home we all have threads, but we use it very rarely. I guess you guys have also seen threads work and thought it to be very hard. Trust me its not hard. I have gained a bit knowledge about these crafts and I want to share my experience in learning. I don't know much about it but I want to help others with the basics, hoping that there are some starters like me.

This type of thread works are still in use from the day people discovered stitching. But the use is reducing with the discovery of machines and modern technologies. Let us continue this work, its not that boring. Its cool. Take time in finishing.
All should try at least for once.

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