Photo Framing

Photo Frame.

Its a collection of memories which we generally use to collect and frame in a album or in a Photo Frame.We click photos when we go for any trip with our beloved once or may be with our family. Through this,we gather many memorable moments that happens in our life. 
Now in case of crafty gifts based on Photo Frame. We know that Photo Frames are something that is very common that comes in our mind while selecting a gift for someone. We often give photo frames in someones birthday or in someones anniversary .Gifting a photo frame looks very special because it can frame the best moments that we had with our dear and loved ones and also that we had with our family members.A ready-made gift is always expected,when the receivers holds the gift pack. So,let us now surprise them with something new.

A Experience Of Giving Photo Frame As Gift.

When I was in class 8. I made a Photo Frame of my choice and wanted to give it to my best friend on her birthday. I made it more special by inserting a memorable picture in it. Many years passed away,suddenly we had a get together ,there she brought that photo frame that I gave her many years ago in class 8,on her birthday.I was really so happy that day. And that day I realized the actual value of a Handmade Gifts.

Types Of Photo Frames.

1.  Frame with Cardboard:

cut this types of pieces then decorate these in your style means according to your wish.

These are some types of photo frame making,mainly with cardboard pieces 

With colorful bottoms also you can decorate it.

2. wooden photo frames:

These types of structural photo frames you can do with the help of others to decorate your room.

you can also design the frame.

Finally, you can insert picture in it.

3. Frame with ice cream sticks:

4. Frame with Threads:

5. Collage photo frame:

So, i hope that you have understood this all and you will soon try these at your home. Hope you all will love it.

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