How To Make Glass Paintings

Glass Paint 

Hi friends I am back again with something new which I learned from my mother. And now I will show you the best and easy way to make this crafts. All can make this by own self. No costly things are needed to make this crafts. The things which are needed that you all will get in home only. You don’t have to run here and there for the required materials.

Craft is such a thing that is made by the people like us only. Every day, someone is doing and introducing something new. In many case people search something craft word and they repeat those things that are already done by someone else before.

 I’m also a learner like you. I learned many handy works from the internet. I got know edged from my parents also about this craft. It is not very easy to make . You have to do it carefully. And finally when you will finish. It will surely look awesome. By this silly handmade crafts you can also decorate your home. You can design it according to your wish. So see how to make a glass painting.

Things You Required: 

  1.  Square glass
  2. Glass colors
  3. Black liner
  4. Silver,golden foil (commonly use for food wrapping)
  5. Same square size wooden or cardboard piece
  6. A simple drawing or design
  7. Black thin marker
  8. Black tape or frame
  9. Black fabric

Steps To Make:

  • Place the square glass piece over your drawing or design that you want to do.

  • Then,draw the same drawing over the glass as per the design you have with you below the glass.

  • After finishing upto this,on that side you have use the black liner to make the outline of that design again that already you have depicted on the glass

  • Then, keep the whole thing for dry.

  • After sometime(max- 35 min),take the glass check the outline. If it becomes dry then put the glass color carefully.As per color having in the drawing.

  • then,keep it again for maximum 1 hour.

  • After this take take the silver or golden foil,which one you want for a good combination.

  • Then,softly squeeze the foil and use the shiny side of the foil for decorating you design. Or you can also use the black fabric to cover blank area of the glass,out of the liner.

  • Cover the blank place that no light can pass through that part from the other side. You can also check that light is passing through or not by placing the glass over the light. If light is passing then put one cover again with that black fabric.

  • Keep it for 2 hours,let it be dry fully then take the cardboard piece or wooden square piece to gave a support from the  back side of the glass.

  • If you have used the cardboard then you can use black tape to cover the edges of the glass so that it looks better.                                                                                                                              
  • If you have used wooden piece then you have to frame the side edges

Now if you have done completely then you decorate your home by this.There are many types of design that you can use over your glass. And you can use any type of glass size as big as you will make it will look gorgeous.So I hope all will try this craft at home. 

Other references :

You can do this paintings in a glass also. For that you can use a transparent glass so that it will look good.

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